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Alecta Anterior Cervical Plate System

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Anterior Cervical Plate

Alecta Anterior Cervical Plate System consists of mobile and fixed safety screws along with the plate and the mobile and fixed bone anchorage screws; which provide high endurance with a thin section. The blocking system preventing the anteropulsion of screws is compatible with the plate and effective. The mobile safety screws of the system allow for a polyaxial angulation of 15°. The fixed safety screws are placed perpendicularly in order to ensure a more effective fixation. The ionic anodization applied to the surface prevents abrasion and boosts the endurance. The rounded external margins of the system reduce implant-induced trauma to surrounding soft tissue. The system offers effective and simple use.


Alecta Anterior Cervical Plates

Anterior cervical plate systems present a new and facilitating stage. The unique design of the system is represented by the following characteristics:

1. The variable sizes of the plates range from 16 mm to 110 mm allowing for selection from a variety of options.

2. The external profile is slim (2.4mm).

3. Bone screws of 3.5 mm, 4 mm, and 4.5 mm in diameter and in the range from 10 mm to 20 mm in length are available for cutting threads in the bone while advancing.


1. Proper positioning of the patient is the main principle of the intervention to the anterior cervical vertebrae. Stretching may be required in case of unexpected trauma.

2. system allows for potential corpectomies in the same session with a discectomy.


Selecting the Appropriate Implant

1. Selecting the appropriate implant requires properly calculating the implant size by using the data collected by preoperative planning, radiographs, and MR imaging.

2. After implanting the interbody grafts, the proper plate size is calculated by measuring the distance to the centre of screw placement along the vertebra from top to the bottom. For the intermediate levels, it must be ensured that bone screws are placed at the centre of the vertebra.

3. Based on these measurements, the surgeon can determine the appropriate plate size and the level to conclude the surgery.


Placement of the Plate

The positioning of the plate varies depending on the length and size of the plate. Osteophytes; which are commonly found in a vertebral column with degenerative changes, can easily be moved manually or by means of a hand-held plate conveyor. Alecta Anterior Cervical Plates include curves in the sagittal and coronal plates for the prevention of lordosis. This allows for an easy placement anatomically.


Insertion of the Screw

Screws can be selected based on their diameters and lengths. They can easily be discriminated by the colour codes. alecta screws have been designed with standard threads and they are all self-tapping screws.

Standard Screw Diameter: Ø3.5mm – Ø4.0mm – Ø4.5mm

Screws can be easily pulled out of the set by strongly pressing the tip of the screw driver on the screw. The screw taken from the set is placed into the prepared pilot hole.


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Kassiopis 10 Str, 17237

Ymittos, Greece


Biongraft Synthetic Bone Substitutes
Resorbable Barrier Membranes