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Alecta Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Titanium Cage (ALIF)

Homepage / Spine Systems / Lumbar Cage Systems  / Alecta Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Titanium Cage (ALIF)

Lumbar Titanium Cage (ALIF)

ALIF Cage System is manufactured from Titanium “Ti6Al4V-ELI Grade 5” material compatible with the lumbar disc anatomy and designed in the shape of an anterior disc interconnected to the centre with three-way bridging. It is composed of a single component. The surfaces of the superior and inferior parts are threaded; thus, dislocations from the disc area are prevented and a controlled load distribution is enabled with the endplates. Golden pins attached to the system allow for controlling the distance.

General Features of the Product

  • Restoration of adequate stability
  • Restoration of the disc height
  • Curved superior and inferior surfaces for anatomical fit
  • Evenly distribution of the load
  • Restoration of lordosis
  • Obtaining an optimum fusion bed
  • Restructuring for anterior and anterior-lateral approaches
  • Minimization of the operative time owing to the use of a single ALIF Cage
  • Allows for accomplishing early treatment in the postoperative period without further requirements for any aid.
  • The external surfaces have no corners allowing for the minimization of neural injury.
  • Operational efficiency and flexibility
  • Easy and convenient use
  • Proper interior design for grafting


14 + 14 =


Kassiopis 10 Str, 17237

Ymittos, Greece


Biongraft Synthetic Bone Substitutes
Resorbable Barrier Membranes